Sunday, December 18, 2011

Happy Hunters

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Swamp the boat

All images shot with a GoPro Hero Cam

Boulder Mountain

San Rafael pinhole style

Sunset on the Oyster Shell Reef

While running from an impending storm on the Henry Mountains last month I was able to catch these images of sunset on the Oyster Shell Reef near the Notem-Bullfrog road.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Emma the Homecoming Princess

Sometimes life goes places you never (*EVER*) expect.

For example, growing up I was never "King" of anything. I was never nominated for anything. Except FFA president, but on the cool scale that equals at least three demerits. Anywho, not that it bothers me...I never desired it. The spotlight held no attraction for me.

My daughter is not the kind of kid who desires notoriety or fame or the spotlight either. But she NATURALLY exudes so much coolness that it finds her from time to time. Like recently when, three weeks into her freshman year, she was nominated for homecoming queen.

Her mother and I had not idea how to respond; neither of us had ANY experience in these matters. I was a band geek, for crying out loud. So we just went with it and watched our "M" stroll with style and grace through the whole thing. She prepared a well though out (and witty) skit, a creative fashion show and demonstrated that she does, in fact, have talent ta' boot by winning her tennis match at the end of the day. It was perfectly clear, though, that to her it made no difference if she "won" a crown or not. She just took it in stride like it was part of the whole freshman experience.

And I'll be darned if they didn't crown her 1st Attendant!

And when it came time to strut her stuff in the homecoming parade, she quietly donned her tiara, grabbed her clarinet and jumped on the float with the pep band instead. Because after all, there is more than one way to toot your horn.

Here are a few pics from Templar Homecoming 2011:

Below: M and her "Prince" Mr. K demonstrating their talents by jettisoning marshmallows into the crowd.

Below: High fashion on the red carpet

Below: "Oh my heck, you DO love me!"

Below: Princess Emma (y mi reina Italiana)

Below: Chillin with the pep band homeys.

Below: jammin with the cabasa and maraca

Below: flowers and ribbons at the Homecoming game